Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014... Starting off just like 2013

So I had another first date last night. Met this guy online, he seemed really funny, fun, easy to talk to and we figured out we had a mutual friend in common.  He lives downtown, which I have always been a bit skeptical about, but figured why not try it.  When planning our date, he asked if I would mind coming down by him.  Not a problem.  

Because of this wonderful weather we have been having, I left with plenty of time because I didn't want to be late.  I forgot that driving in the city is one of the worst things ever in the winter.  Nothing is plowed, people are parked everywhere, there are lawn chairs holding empty spots, and good luck turning around on all those one way streets.  40 minutes it took me to park, and when I did find a spot it was 3 blocks down.  I was supposed to meet him at 8:30, and it was 8:50 by the time I walked in the door.  

He was funny and really adorable, but he doesn't own a car and refuses to leave the city.  Now I'm perfectly ok with hanging out in the city all the time, but at some point chivalry needs to step in and make a trip out to my house.  He also informs me that he is racist, is medicated for his anxiety, and takes 20 min showers so he can "experience himself" if you know what I mean.  

I don't know why I can't just find a normal guy to go out with?  Just once.  I really need my faith in the fact that there are normal guys still left in this world restored.

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